Tell your story and show it with data.

By Jack Dougherty (Trinity College, CT) and contributors.

Data Visualization for All explains how to create interactive charts, maps, and simple web apps, with easy-to-learn free tools and open data. This introductory textbook features step-by-step tutorials and videos, so that everyday people with minimal coding skills can create and embed data visualizations on their own websites. Learn more about tools such as Google Sheets, Google Fusion Tables, Tableau Public, GitHub Pages, and more.

This open-access book is freely available on the web, with downloadable PDF/ePUB/Mobi formats, at

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Data Visualization for All by Jack Dougherty and contributors is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. You may freely share and modify this content for non-commercial purposes, with a source credit to